
Thursday 25 September 2014

Gunfight at Misery - LotOW

Last nights game was a multi posse shoot out at my local club. Two lawmen posse's backed by some cowboys took on some bandido's, mountain men and desperado's.

The bad guys cross the fence into the yard at the back of the livery stable.

 But the Good guys try to stop them. The Mountain men are having none of it and unleash a hail of rifle fire which leaves two of the lawmen in the dust.

Across town the other posse makes its way slowly forward.
But their every move is covered.

The last few turns got very bloody, ending with the lawmen trying to take down the Hiveranno by blazing away and fanning their sixguns. By some miracle he survived and emerged from the smoke unhurt. Pulling his bowie knife dispatched the two facing him.

With that, two of the good guys posse's took to their heels and ran to the hills. Misery belonged to the bad guys.....

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Legends of the Limes - LotOW Mods

Some mods I've been tinkering with for LotOW. Still rough and untested but worth putting up. I'll get them tested once I've painted some single Germans.

Any comments welcome...on these or anything else on here!

Sunday 7 September 2014

Cavalry for my Legions

Taking advantage of the crappy weather to crack on with some cavalry for my Romans. These are the Wargames Factory figs, not great when you get them out of the box and joined together and the horses are very lumpy with a pronounced belly. However once painted and inked I think they do the job pretty well 

I'll need to get some transfers - not impressed with the Warlord games ones.

These are mounted individually. The reasons for this is that I want to use them for skirmish games. Think 7th cav raiding hostile villages on the plains - except these chaps will be ranging through the forests!

Thursday 4 September 2014

Fiddling with the Camera

A small selection of better shots from Tuesdays game. I had to use my Ipad and couldn't quite get the focus right, so these are an attempt to show some of the scenes from the battle a little better.

Hope you like.

Praetorians Cross the Bridge
Battle for the Bridgehead
Auxiliaries Charge

Wednesday 3 September 2014

More Battles for the Frontier

Pictures from last nights game. This time the Romans had to carry out an assault river crossing after Barbarians attacked their outposts.

Under covering fire from Scorpions on the south bank, a column of Auxiliaries and Legionaries crosses the river.

However the enemy are waiting for them, skirmishers rush out from the trees to attack the head of column.

More Romans attempt to cross the bridge and a unit of Batavian Cavalry swim the river.

The barbarians press their advantage and the crisis of the battle approaches as the auxiliaries fall beneath their blades

But the legion are made of tougher stuff and slowly win back the balance of battle.

In the end, the might of Rome prevails....just!