
Wednesday 26 August 2020

Cojimar Beach, Cuba, 1762.

 A few test shots. These are some bits and pieces I have been working on over the last couple of weeks. The figures are all CrannTara. The fort is from Slug Industries. The battery from Blood and Plunder. The mats are from Tiny Wargames. 


I'm currently working on a scenario for the landings and as for the book, the British now stand outside El Moro and the siege is underway. The rest of the book is sketched out and moving forward fairly quickly. 

Stay tuned!

Sunday 16 August 2020

Beach Gun Emplacement - Finished

A nice relaxing evening Friday spent listening to music, enjoying a nice malt....and painting.  

Emplacements done.

Crann Tara naval landing party crewing the gun. Clear bases showing working a treat!

British Marines next.

Friday 14 August 2020

Against Spain - Update

 I am currently working out the scenarios for the sequel to the Wargaming Sugar Islands Campaign Book and preparing scenery.
These rather tasty gun emplacements come from the Blood and Plunder range which I picked up at Falkirk, (last year!) from Gavin at Gaming Figures. All I have done for the moment is given them a blast of Humbrol Sand paint. They'll be finished off over the next few days.

The British marines are on the blocks too so it won't be long before I have some games to try out.

New blogger still isn't perfect, but it works, mostly!

Sunday 9 August 2020

Books - Polish Army 1815 -1830 & Polish - Russian War 1831

 This gorgeous book dropped through the letter box last week. I've fancied it for a while since reading about the Polish Russian war in a thread on the Lead Adventure Forum.
What drew me to it was it's illustrations. Beautiful watercolour paintings of Polish soldiers from 1815 through to 1831. They are somewhat stylised, but that's what I like about them. The remind me of Tintin for some reason, but whatever it is I love them.

The troops are divided up into the typical categories, but during the aforementioned war the regulars were supplemented by many volunteer and privately raised units and it is amongst these that the uniforms start to become spectacular.

Steve Barber has several figures available in 28mm and others can be found, altered with a deft brush stroke or some fine scalpel or putty work amongst Polish and Prussian Napoleonic ranges. For now however I will be satisfied with the book....

...but that's because I have already something shiny up my sleeve from the 1830's. But that, as they say, is another story!