
Tuesday 28 January 2014

Blau Hoegaarden Regimental Colours

First attempt at the 18thC colours for Hoegaarden Foot.

This is a cut and paste job using good old MS Paint. The background and wreath are taken from colours off the Warflag site. Specifically a medieval fleur de lys and SYW Reichsarmee wreath from the Wildenstein rgt, combined with a Hoegaarden logo from a beer mat! Ive used this method for my Beer Wars Medieval and TYW standards in the past.

Careful use of the copy and paste to mask other shapes and the copy transparent command create the white field around the wreath and logo. Other than that its all done by eye. It might not be straight, but printed out at 28mm size it will look ok.

Gelb Hoegaarden will have a similar but different flag...I wonder if you can guess in what way?

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