Holzende - Second Day
I was back up to see Graham H a week past Friday and had another great afternoons gaming with his 40mm figs. They are such lovely toys, well painted and posed and with plenty of characters and vignettes to make a game look like a battle and less like two lines of miniatures facing each other. This delayed report, (after a hectic week at work) tells the tale of the second day at Holzende .
Neither side felt able or willing to continue the fight from the first day at Holzende and the Austrians were content to let the Prussians retire before they themselves withdrew across the river to await a fresh assault in the morning.
In the Prussian camp that night officers received a terrible dressing down and the colonel of the Grenadiers in particular came close to being clapped in irons and sent to the King in disgrace! However fresh troops arrived and as dawn arrived scouts reported the Austrians had pulled back. The assault would be renewed, the river crossed and the Austrians driven back down the road toward Prague and away from their Saxon allies.
The Prussians deployed at first light. The Grenadiers and Rgt Von Lehwalt followed by the Lieb-Garde and Garrison Rgt 11, supported by a medium gun formed the left flank. The right comprised Rgt Itzenplitz, a further medium piece and the Fusiliers of Von Rohr. In reserve stood Cuirassier Rgt no3, ready to exploit any potential breakthrough. The Prussian plan was simple. The strong left flank would force the river, the right would hold in place and tie up as many Austrians as possible, to assist this the Cuirassiers would move across the rear of the position to make it look as if a crossing was planned downstream of the bridge.
Facing the Prussians the Austrians had deployed the remains of the Likaner Croats amongst the trees and bushes around the bridge. Behind them in line were the regiments of Carl Lothringen and Joseph Esterhazy and in turn behind them were the Austrian Cavalry, Hussars of Paul Esterhazy and Dragoon Rgt Althann together with a medium gun. On the opposite flank the Austrians had placed Rgts Deutschmeister, Botta, a medium gun and in a small wood, Grenz troops from Rgt Sluizner. A grenadier battalion was also on this flank, in reserve. Sitting behind the river the Austrians believed their position to be strong, even though it was clear that there were crossing points.
The Prussians opened the day's affair by bringing up their medium guns and advancing to within range of the leading regiments battalion pieces. These started to play upon the lines of Austrian troops, concentrating upon Deutschmeister and Carl Lothringen. The Austrian lines were so densely packed they had not brought up their own guns and for a while the Prussians had things all their own way.
The Grenadiers continued to advance upon the river whilst the move,ent of the Cuirassier across the rear of the Prussian position had an unintended effect - the Hussar and Dragoons turned and did likewise, moving across the rear of their own lines. This completely changed the balance on the Prussian left, making to look like a more even fight. The Grenadiers now reached the edge of the river and began to probe for the ford, shrugging off the mounting casualties which they were suffering. The Austrians seemed to be shooting high however and as many branches fell on the men as did cannon balls. Indeed on the right, Itzenplitz seemed to have a veritable abattis of branches and trunks surrounding its position. The Prussian gunners were truer in their aim and as the Grenadiers splashed into the ford, Carl Lotharingen began to waver.
Perhaps it was the brave Grenadiers, perhaps the ranks of the Lieb-Garde and Garrison Rgt ll coming up behind them or the steady pounding they were taking from the guns, or even the toll of additional casualties on a unit less then fresh from the day before, but as the Prussians began to cross the river they recoiled, falling back. This exposed Esterhazy's infantry and they refused their flank and suddenly the Austrian left had moved away from their position on the riverbank. Orders were issued and the cavalry hastily recalled, but they way was clear, Prussians could now cross.
On the Prussian right their artillery had been no less deadly. Deutschmeister was starting to look shaky from the steady fire it was receiving from Itzenplitz and the battalion and medium gun and decided enough was enough and fled behind the Grenadier Battalion. As the Cuirassiers drew up Von Rohr saw this as an opportunity to further press this flank and advanced from its position amongst the wheat, where its men had been sitting calmly untouched. A smattering of fire from the Grenz came from the woods, but it was becoming clear that the Prussians had the upper hand on either flank. Von Rohr splashed into the river and began to cross.
Back on the left the Leib-Garde has crossed too and formed on the left of the Grenadiers presenting a wall of bayonets. Carl Lotharingen took further casualties and staggered back again, then took to its heels and fled. A forest of muskets now stood on the Prussian left as the garrison Rgt crossed and Von Lehwaldt also moved forward. The Austrian cavalry finally began to arrive after having crossed and recrossed their own lines. The Hussars and Dragoons formed up, ready to attack.
Over on the right the Austrian skirmishers fired off a few shots but fell back. Both Austrian signs were now under threat. The day was drawing to a close. It was clear that a choice had to be made, the cavalry would have to stand and allow the infantry to withdraw. The battle was over and the Austrian retreat had began