The Russian Infantry are all Warlord from their recently released range. Painted with Citadel Contrast Aggaros Dunes which I think is perfect of a weather stained Russian greatcoat. They are all magnetically based on movement trays to make them easier to shift on the table.
The Russian cavalry lurking in the background are Gt War Cossacks. I have more to do once I receive some more bases from Warbases.
12 Cossacks, 4 units of 18 Infantry and two guns.
The British are all Gt War too. They are in 12 figure units. This puts them at a numerical disadvantage to the Russians but they will be better armed so that will be offset. As with the Russians they are magnetically based too.
The cavalry are Gt War Hussars. I also have a number of officers and ADC's from the Foundry range which will make nice little vignettes.
12 Hussars, 4 units of 12 Guards.
About half of the Russian inf, and a few of the British were done by me, the rest were purchases online. I've wanted Crimean War stuff for sooooo long. Now I'm ready for a game of Rebels and Patriots or The Men Who Would Be Kings, once this damned virus buggers off !