Thursday, 29 December 2022

Looking back, looking forward

 A wee review of '22.

I was lucky enough to get to the Ray Harryhausen exhibition in January, turning into big kid whilst taking in the wonderful models and illustrations. 

February saw the sudden passing of my very good friend and fellow member of Oldmeldrum Wargames Club Mike Travis. A sore loss to his family and to our club. We miss you big guy. 

Against Spain was released in February and has been selling slowly but steadily since then.

Some 40mm games set in a fictional offshoot of the Valley.

Restarted the Gordon- Forbes feud.

Met some Wild Geese.. again.....Hi lads!

Changed jobs....thankfully ! 

Got Covid

Gamed Sikh Wars and 16th Century Scotland

Celebrated 30yrs of Marriage

Visited the Royal Armouries

Sold some figures and bought some to game the Indian Mutiny

Had to look for a new home for the club.....and then not had to move!

Had more more 16th C Scottish games with the Oldmeldrum and Banchory guys and collected and painted figures for the Canadian Rebellion and Afghanistan.

Wrote an article on the Marian Civil War with Angus Konstam and had it and another on Corrichie published in Charles Grant's Wargames Annual. Thank you both!

Got some lovely Xmas Loot.....a paddle steamer, a big windmill, the History of Numenor, and 3 cracking books from Leakies in Inverness purchased today - Wheeler's Santiago Campaign 1898, Carrington's Battles and Battle Maps of the American Revolution and Das Deutsche Bundesheer by Eckert and Monten

It has been an odd year - at times disjointed, at others a steady run. I've more or less completed two full painting projects and written another book. Not done much 18thC gaming but have really enjoyed my forays into the 19th and 16th. 

So....looking ahead

Kicking off the new year with game in Forres with Graham H

Publishing Feud 

A new role at work

More Wargames shows!! 

Gaming the Patriots Rebellion, and "The Recent War with Russia" and some "Spanish in the Isles"...more on these latter later in the year. 

Getting back into the swing of a normal and full wargames year, without the disruptions of covid and job hassle.

Turning 50?!

Going back to Memphis and onto Nashville with my lovely wife and her much delayed graduation.

More writing.

Oh and a few other bits and pieces, both planned and fluttery like!

Have a happy Hogmanay when it comes folks......see you in '23.

Thursday, 1 December 2022

Wargamers Annual - Wars of Mary Queen of Scots


The Wargamers Annual is now available from Caliver Books. As mentioned in previous posts this includes an article by Angus Konstam and myself on the period and figures which can be used as well as an article on the Battle of Corrichie written by me.