Monday, 13 October 2014

Rules, Rules, Rules, Rules!

So, I got the periods I'm into sorted, sticking to 28mm figs, what about rules?

I think I know enough about the periods I am into and the armies with which I play by dint of the reading and research I've done. Weapons, equipment, tactics, leaders, campaigns are covered and I have an idea in my head of how those fit together and should be modeled. 

I hunt about, read reviews, buy some rules, ditch them and search again, and again. Basing and rebasing my figs to match.

Sound familiar?

I think that I like a framework ruleset that can have period specific bolt-ons added to give the flavour. 

Warhammer is a popular example for instance. 

With the Neil Thomas rules I use for Horse and Musket and have used as the basis for an Ancient set I get that framework of mechanisms. This means I don't have to remember an relearn turn sequence, morale, melee factors , saving roles, initiative, effects, etc.

Now I'm looking for a skirmish set that covers ancient to prewar, bronze age warfare to the machine gun. This should let me fight skirmishes between roman patrols and celtic war parties, robber knights and their retinues, riflemen, chasseurs and jägers.

I'm trying out a set at the moment and hope to publish an AAR and then repeat the game using another set or two then go with what feels best.

Watch this space!

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