Tuesday, 17 October 2017


Rather a lot going on elsewhere at the moment so only time for club games for a few weeks.

However behind the scenes I did managed to get the layout checked for the Sugar Islands campaign book.

I sent off my PDF to Book Printing UK who gave me a decent quote for an A5 paperback with colour glossy page printing, and a decent thickness colour cover. They also review the layout etc of your file to see if there would be any issues before accepting it. So I sent in what is effectively a half finished mock up - titles, pages, pictures etc in place, but some text missing from the areas I have to work on.

The good news as that apart from the margins and lower dpi count for some illustrations everything is fine.

I'm pleased with that, it's like getting your worked checked halfway through and getting the nod to continue. I shouldn't have any issues getting it printed - I just need to finish it!

Work on that starts over the next few weeks as my wife starts her course and I will have quite a few evenings free, so I might as well use them constructively!

So below is a rough mock up of the front cover.....it will change,  let's call it a teaser!πŸ˜„

I've also been painting up some of Madame Ducharmey's men. This spirited woman defender her plantation from the British by arming her slaves and estate workers and was seen amongst them in the thick of the fight. She was not amongst the captured or casualties when the plantation was finally taken, so must have made good her escape. 

At the moment I plan on using one of the female gunners from Warlord's AWI artillery, I may give her a head swap - that will test my sculpting skills! - as she needs a more genteel straw bonnet rather than a utilitarian linen cap.

It's good to be back in the swing of things!


Chris Gregg said...

Nice to see the mock-up and hear that you have the go-ahead. Will the lower DPI count for illustrations make any difference?

marinergrim said...

where does the queue form for a signed copy then?

StuartInsch said...

Chris, I dont think so since I have printed it out on a typical office laser printer and the pics look fine to me. It is A5 after all and not a coffee table glossy art book full of photographs. Something to be borne in mind though.

Paul, behind you I guess!

Thanks for the comments chaps. The rest of the slaves and workers are now painted and I have more on order from Graham. Time for more games shortly,