Monday, 5 August 2019

A visit to Claymore

A trip to Claymore on Saturday, zipping down in the Spider, top down there and back, enjoying the sun.

Arrived around 1.00 to find the show very quiet compared with previous years. Caught up with Graham H and John and Eric from Banchory but missed a few other folks as I was chatting away.

There seemed to be a few display games missing as well as a lot less people and a general lack of buzz. That may have been caused by the lovely weather or the fact that Falkirk and the Glasgow games show have both taken place in the last few months. Not sure.

I had a nice chat with Barry Hilton. Looking forward to his new book covering Eastern Europe. His game looked great as always with the Ottomans in particular popping against the teddybear fur tabletop. 

Another game that caught my eye was the 1866 Battle of Gitchin in 10mm fought over some nicely rolling Kallistra terrain.

Loot was a bit sparse too. I bought a copy of The First Schleswig-Holstein War from Helion, a perry ACW plastic gun and limber box from the B&B, (I need some 19thC limbers for Italy) and some bases. I also had a nice chat with the guy from 1st Corps with resulted in the purchase of some Mex-American Cavalry - Lancers and Lights which will serve instead as 2nd Empire French and Republic troops by dint of a deft scalpel, a head swap and a paint job. They should match my Gringo40's figs and might also do for Major Dundee....! But they will have to wait a bit as my Salle de Guerre is undergoing refurbishment - a lick of paint and some new bookshelves, followed by a new comfy chair and maybe some suitable ornaments too come time!

Looking forward to a catch up game with Graham and a deeper discussion on 3D printing next week.

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