Monday 19 June 2023

Wild Geese 2023 Report

What a great weekend. 

A chance to stay at a nice hotel, with a great bunch of guys, relax, unwind, catch up, have a drink AND play 3 fantastic and very different wargames really does take some beating. 

Good to catch up with folk I've not seen for too long - I really enjoy this aspect of the weekend at the Chesford Grange almost as much as the games themselves. But now, some pictures! 


Return of Roddis

Games get underway

Shiny Toy Soldiers

40mm Kolin using Prince Augusts and Command & Colours

Canoe chase with rafts from 28mm FIW Game

! Gratuitous shot of Castor Canadensis !

 Great Northern War 

42mm Shiny Toy Soldiers

My phone was low on charge so I didn't get a chance to take pics of Willz excellent baggage train game with his Spencer Smith figures nor of Paul's lovely Flats and as there was only time to play 3 games over the weekend being spoiled for choice. I played the GNW game which Steve ran, the FIW game run by Keith, and Iain and Tim's lovely Shiny Toy Soldiers game in which Aly actually rolled decent dice. (However as no pictures exist of this rare occurrence it will be dismissed as a myth by those who were not there...!)

Thanks for a great weekend folks....😁


Chris Gregg said...

Lovely photos Stuart, thanks for these glimpses of what I missed - especially of Robbie!
Chris G

Independentwargamesgroup said...

I great time was had by all, cheers Stuart.

Aly Morrison said...

A cracking weekend Stuart…
It was great to catch up with you…

My dice throwing has now returned to normal.

All the best. Aly

Rob said...

This is the third helping of this wargaming loveliness I've consumed from blogging community and still hungry for more. What an advert for the hobby.

StuartInsch said...

Thank you folks,

As a model for a low key gathering of friends and likeminded gamers it is something that anyone could set up. I'm not sure how many groups do this type of thing as it's not a show or a game at someone's house - these are commonplace in the hobby and central to it. This is different, and the evening's social aspect is as much part of the weekend as the gaming.

I recommend it. .