Thursday, 7 March 2024

So I guess it's time for an update

 Prior to Christmas I thought I was a little run down stressed tired and worn out. Y'know, the usual end of year stuff. Busy job, busy life. 

However that feeling didn't go away so I went to the doc. Some tests and a referral later and I was in hospital for a CT scan. I have a mass on my liver blocking my bile ducts which is caused by cancer. This is probably coming from my bowel. However this can't be treated until the bile is managed so I have has two procedures, one to fit plastic stents, and then to replace them with internal metal ones which allow things to flow. The second procedure was quite tough and gave me a real kicking. A good direct chat with my consultant today gave me a clearer picture and I'm quite comfy.

What happens next depends on lots of factors. 

But while I am in, I get a lot from your posts and blog updates and gaming news. I can't push my own lead  around the table yet, but I enjoy seeing your stuff. 

The support I've had from my hobby friends has been great. Keep up the great work, you'd be surprised how much people get from what you share. 


Rupert Clamp said...

Hope you can stay positive, glad you have plenty of support - that stuff really helps. Take care, rupert

Norm said...
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Norm said...

re-posting because of some bad spelling that then read like nonsense :-)

Hi Stuart, thanks for the update, good that you now have a diagnosis and a treatment plan. I think the nature of blogs and the general friendliness of the blogosphere makes them good companions when coping with illness and recuperation etc. There is a wargame group who put out a regular PDF home brew magazine that you can download for free. They are up to issue sixty four. and all back issues are available - brilliant when hospital visiting etc.

Here is a link -

Hope your outcomes are all good and that you are comfortable. Norm

DaveD said...

Sounds like a tough time . Best wishes for final outcomes . Good to hear you are enjoying the odd hobby news etc .

The Good Soldier Svjek said...

Hope you're on the mend , an interest in a hobby even if you can't do it at the present is a great boost, take care all the best Tony

StuartInsch said...

Cheers lads. Means a lot.👍

Old Nick said...

Hope you are doing better and staying positive. There are a lot of us wishing you the best.

Donnie McGibbon said...

Always good to get a diagnosis, at least then plans can be made by doctors etc. Hope it all goes well and you are back fighting fit as soon as.

tradgardmastare said...

Thanks for the sitrep, always good to know where you are.
Keep moving forward, making those hobby plans and projects for when you’re ready to start implementing them.

Mluther said...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery and getting some toys back on the table.

Nick Atkinson said...

Get well soon

RichardM said...

Stuart best wishes for a speedy progress through this and a good outcome.

marinergrim said...

Stuart hope that you recover quickly and completely. Too many soldiers to paint not to. Best wishes.

Martin Gane said...

Stuart very sorry to read your news. I really hope you get rid of this terrible disease and make a speedy recovery. There are not enough good people in the world and we need to hold on to the very best . I am sure I speak for all the Wild Geese guys when I say you have our support and best wishes. Martin