Thursday 7 May 2020

16thC Distraction - Moray's Arquebus

Monday's order from Casting Room, Wednesdays delivery and Thursdays paintjob.

At Corrichie Moray brought trained troops from Lothian to fight Huntly. Both pike and accompanying shot to stiffen the levy raised from Aberdeenshire. These men carry heavier arquebus which need rests, unlike lighter calivers.

These complete my representation of Moray's force.

 A detailed summary of the battle will follow tomorrow while I await on an order from Perry to represent Huntly's Gordon's.


tradgardmastare said...

There is a very good book published by Caliver about the Battle of Linlithgow. Well worth getting, has some really splendid illustrations in it.

StuartInsch said...

Thanks for the tip. The book I am using as my main source is Grampian Battlefields by Peter Marren, it has a detailed section on the battle and it's context. Harry Potter (no not that one!) also wrote a couple of good books - Blood Feud - about the Gordon family's various feuds and another on Edinburgh under Siege which are worth checking out. Lastly, if you can get hands on a copy, Legends of North East Scotland by Fenton Wyness has the story of Edom O Gordon and the Burning of Corgarff. It's a wonderful wee book and was the start of my interest in this period many many years ago when I found it on my dads bookshelf.

Aly Morrison said...

Splendid stuff Stuart...
Just what I would expect to come from you... another publication in the pipeline... possibly

All the best. Aly

StuartInsch said...

Thanks Aly,
Maybe after the next two!

I had a lazy weekend....I painted a unit of Scheltrum Miniatures Scots Highland/islemen which I had lying around while I wait on the Perry delivery. Read the Irregular Wars rules (nice!) and made up banners for Moray and Huntly. Summary to follow tomorrow instead!