Sunday 28 November 2021


 "The Picket Guard is a Body of Men always to be ready, lying with their Arms in their Hands, to turn out in case of an Alarm; but are not commanded by the next Officer on Detail, but such as are appointed by the Picket; but must march either faster or slower, to sustain Out-posts, Foraging, Escourts, or any other Service; and it shall be allowed them in their Tour of Duty"

These are men of the 36th, and accompanied by a member of the 10th dragoons. They are keeping an eye out for Jacobites as they were painted for the '45. In November 1745 there was snow on the ground and Carlisle had fallen on the 15th, captured because Wade had been held up by the weather.

The weather has taken a cold snap here too and rather than a trip south to see my son we too were turned back. It was bad enough driving...quite how 18th century armies made it in the snow and driving wind beggars belief. 

They are Warrior Miniatures, from the club's collection and rebased by me as these are the only such figures which we received from this manufacturer. As such there is just enough to represent men on picket duty. 


David said...

Could not read - not enough contrast between the type and the background

StuartInsch said...

Not sure what happened there.....typed in same font and colour as usual and used blogger...oh well fixed now! Thanks for the heads up David.

tradgardmastare said...

A great picket, you have done the figures proud.

Der Alte Fritz said...

I like those Warrior figures. They stand the test of time.

Aly Morrison said...

Nice little pickets Stuart…
Warrior can be a bit hit or miss at times but these look really good…

All the best. Aly

The Tiberian General. said...

Lovely painted figures Stuart, my favourite figures Warrior Miniatures.
