Sunday 16 April 2023

Indian Mutiny Game - TMWWBK

An Indian Mutiny today with John and Eric from Banchory. Nothing fancy about the scenario - a British column trying to break through mutineer lines to reach Delhi. 

The British had 2 units of HEIC Inf and a unit of Loyal Sikhs, supported by a gun faced down 4 units of Sepoys supported by their own artillery piece. This being an early period game, all the units were armed with muskets rather than the new Minie rifles. John led the mutineers while Eric took the company was going to be a long game with both sides ebbing back and forth. Both were reinforced by a unit of cavalry and further infantry...but neither side were really able to win the day. In the end, despite taking the hill before the town, Eric was forced back to his start line while John was unable to muster enough men in his remaining units to be able to press home an attack without destroying his forces. 

We decided to end the game "as dusk fell" - the British retiring to await further men and the Sepoys falling back on Delhi during the night, thinking their job done.

Figs are from Foundry mostly with a few Empress miniatures in there too. I've glued thin cardboard slips under the former's bases are enough to bring them up to the same height as the taller Paul Hicks sculpts but otherwise they mix really well. The Sikhs and British foot have Empress command. The skirmish bases are from Warbases.


Aly Morrison said...

A nice looking game Stuart…

All the best. Aly

Donnie McGibbon said...

Super looking game, must admit it is a conflict that really interests me. I do like those skirmish bases, very nice indeed!

StuartInsch said...

Thanks chaps.
Donnie - The figures were all singly based.- which as we know is perfect for skirmish games but can be a chore when moving, so rather than rebase onto 3-2-1 style rounds I thought I'd get some trays. These are "stock" items from Warbases which make its it easier to order.

I have another unit of Empress sepoys, more baggage and some memsahibs to add at some point.

Old Nick said...

Outstanding game!

rross said...

Very nice indeed - its an attractive era and TMWWBK is a pretty solid rule set - I have only played it a few times but it always provided an entertaining game!